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Kirk of Calder Organisations

There are a number of Church Organisations and in this section we will tell you 
a little about them what they are up to and how to get involved 

(Click on the names below to go direct to any section)

The "Younger" Groups
Sunday ClubGuides and Brownies 

The "Older" Groups
The Guild | The Social Group | The Choral HighlightsFriends

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Sunday Club  

For ages 4-11 . They usually meet on Sundays in the church for first part of service then they adjourn to the Glenalmond Hall for their activities. If it's a baptism they go to the Glenalmond Hall first and come to Church in time for the baptism. When it's Communion they go to the Glenalmond Hall for all of the service. 


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Guides and Brownies     

have fun! They take part in games and activities as part of their programme called the Rainbow Jigsaw.  Everything a Rainbow does helps her to develop and to think for herself, in a safe girl-only environment. What to know?

bulletAny girl aged five to seven can be a Rainbow.
bulletRainbows make this simple Promise that they share with members around the world:
I promise that I will do my best to love my God and to be kind and helpful.
bulletRainbows have a range of items they can wear. As all girls wear the same thing they feel as though they belong.  No girl is excluded because they do not have the right clothes

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Brownies also have fun! Their meetings are full of challenges, games and activities, usually ones that the Brownies have suggested themselves.

bulletBrownies belong to a Pack and work in small groups called Sixes. This gives each girl a group of ready-made friends to take care of her. It also makes her feel that she belongs to something special.
bulletBrownies meet regularly and there are often opportunities for Brownies to take part in special activities and events throughout the year.
bulletAny girl over the age of seven who wishes to can become a Brownie.
bulletThe Brownie Promise is:
I promise that I will do my best:
To love my God,
To serve the Queen and my country,
To help other people
To keep the Brownie Guide Law.
bulletThe Brownie Guide Law is: A Brownie Guide thinks of others before herself and does a good turn every day.
bulletEach Brownie chooses what she wants to wear from a range of items - it is up to each girl to decide which items she likes. This choice allows Brownies to be themselves but also makes them feel part of the Pack

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Being a Guide
is all about learning new skills, making your own decisions and having fun.  Guiding provides a safe environment to explore new possibilities and achieve personal goals while making friends and having adventures. And it’s up to each Guide to work out which opportunities are relevant for her, whether it’s improving her football skills, party planning or learning about independent living.

bulletGuides work together in Patrols. They elect their own Patrol Leader and are encouraged to plan their own activities. Patrols provide a ready-made group of friends and helps the girls to feel that they belong to something special.
bulletAny girl aged ten to 14 who wishes to, can become a Guide.
bulletEach Guide chooses the top she wants to wear from the options available in the Guide wear collection. This choice allows Guides to be themselves but also makes them feel part of the unit.
bulletThe Guide Promise is:
I promise that I will do my best:
To love my God,
To serve the Queen and my country,
To help other people
To keep the Guide Law
bulletThe Guide Laws are:
A Guide is honest, reliable and can be trusted.
o A Guide is helpful and uses her time and abilities wisely.
o A Guide faces challenges and learns from her experience.
o A Guide is a good friend and a sister to all Guides.
o A Guide is polite and considerate.
o A Guide respects all living things and takes care of the world around her.
bulletThe Guides programme covers five main sections which are:
o healthy lifestyles
o global awareness
o skills and relationships
o celebrating diversity
o discovery (of new experiences and adventures).


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The Guild  

The Kirk of Calder Guild meet on the second and fourth Thursdays (Sept-Nov and Feb-April)- in the afternoon at 2pm in the Glenalmond Hall

History and background

With around 35,000 members, the Church of Scotland Guild is one of Scotland's largest voluntary organisations. Although women make up the bulk of our membership, increasingly, men are becoming members and taking active roles at local and national levels. For more details on our history.

Members meet in local groups at congregational level, in regional groups known as presbyterial councils, and once a year at our national meeting, to which each group can send a representative.

The current constitution of the Guild was adopted in 1997, after a major review of the present organisation's predecessor, the Woman's Guild. In 2003, the Guild reviewed its constitution to ensure more inclusive language was used and to take account of the need for flexibility in local groups.

The Guild is about invitation, encouragement, commitment, and fellowship which leads to providing opportunities for continuing growth in Christian faith through worship, prayer and action. Worship is an essential ingredient in all meetings and activities. Prayer underpins everything - and is a means of involving those members who cannot be active in other ways. 

Action means living out the faith through project work, exploration of the discussion topics and local involvement of groups and individual members in various aspects of Christian service.

Women and men of all walks of life meet together under our common aim:

"The Church of Scotland Guild is a movement within the Church of Scotland which invites and encourages both women and men to commit their lives to Jesus Christ and enables them to express their faith in worship, prayer and action."

The aim has been underlined in our motto which is taken from Acts 27, verse 23: "Whose we are and Whom we serve."

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The Social Group 

Contact - Jim Hendrie  -   Tel - 01506 883907

Social Group update - 

See the intimations or the "News" panel on the Home page for any current events.The group are again hoping to run the usual number of events some 'home' in the Glenalmond hall or 'away' in venues such as Pumpherston Golf club.

The Social Group is always on the look out for ideas from the Congregation for possible Social event, so if you have any ideas for events or indeed if you would like to join up with the other members and become part of the group contact Jim Hendrie on 01506 - 883907 or e-mail james@hendriej.freeserve.co.uk

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The Choral Highlights Community Choir

Welcome to Choral Highlights Community Choir Web page!

The Choir was formed in 2001 from members of the congregation and from small beginnings has reached around twenty two members. Since then we have grown in ability and now sing as a three part choir, Sopranos 1 & 2 and Alto. Through our good natured outlook and with encouragement, patience, humour and wit, we master our songs and perform with an enthusiasm that is very apparent to our audience.

The Choir performs two concerts a year in Kirk of Calder. One in May/June and one at the beginning of December with a strong Christmas theme when we offer carols, show tunes and Scots songs. The very accomplished Bathgate Concert Orchestra is our partner in the summer concert with our audiences returning again and again. We appear at other venues throughout the year and are often joined by the rousing C R Stompers jazz band.

Our music is wide ranging, from Queen, Abba, Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables for example to quirky pieces such as Blackadder, Michael Finnigin, The Addams Family and Big Spender, Piu Jesu, The Lord is my Shepherd (the Vicar of Dibley version) and Amazing Grace to name but a few and of course a large selection of traditional Scots melodies.

On the social side, the choir has a summer night out with dinner at various venues. Last summer saw a fantastic cruise on the Ratho Canal with a first class meal served on board the barge. In December we enjoyed a 'Bella' Italian meal in a local restaurant. These biannual outings have become eagerly anticipated dates in our calendar. A chance to really let our hair down among good company - Always a great night!

We are happy to consider putting on or joining other concert events.                             

Joining our choir is open to everyone. It is good fun and if what you have read appeals to you, then get in touch with John who will be delighted to welcome any new members. Rehearsals are on Sundays after the service 11.30 - 12.30pm approx. and Wednesdays 7.30-8.45 pm approx.

Contact John Rankine LLCM (TD) Music Director. Tel :01506 880029 or speak to him after the service.

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            Small singing group available to be booked for events., contact details above.

Friends Of Kirk of Calder

The Friends help open the Church to the general public on Sunday afternoons (from May to September) between 2 and 4pm. It is a Scottish Tourist Board "3 star" attraction and admission is FREE! 

The knowledgeable guides can explain much of the history of the church, and can sell you various information pamphlets on the church and provide a cup of tea.

New volunteers to help as guides are always wanted 

The church won won the West Lothian Award for Conservation in 1992. Previous visitors include John Knox, James Paraffin Young, David Livingstone and Frederick Chopin - and we look forward to meeting you too! 

We are part of The Open Churches Scheme www.sacredscotland.org.uk

Contact : John Jamieson 01506 411772

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