We in the Kirk of Calder seek with God's help to encourage and give opportunity to all to grow together in faith and service.
kirkofcalder   www.kirkofcalder.com
 Accounts & Donations
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Accounts and Donations

         Treasurer - Ian Wallace 24 Wellview Lane, Murieston, Livingston,  EH54 9HU Tel 01506 400620  treasurer@kirkofcalder.com

Kirk of Calder Giving 

Please consider that the Kirk of Calder relies on regular giving and if you have not already set up a direct debit or standing order please do so now.
Most banks allow you to set up a single payment online then convert it into a regular monthly payment.
Alternatively you can download a Standing Order form here . Please send the completed form direct to your bank.

Very Important if you are a UK taxpayer (even many pensioners pay tax!) the Kirk gets 25% extra on top of your payment from the Government
as “Gift Aid” -  Click here to Download a Gift Aid form. The form should be returned to (Gift Aid Convener/ Treasurer) by one of the methods below

*   return them in person at church on Sunday
*   return by e-mail to either minister@kirkofcalder.com or
*   return via you elder (contact details - Elders Page)
*   return by post to Kirk of Calder, Main St., Mid Calder, West Lothian, EH53 0AN

 Bank details - Account Name: “KIRK OF CALDER GENERAL ACCOUNT” Account No.: 10047047 Sort Code: 82-66-22 (Virgin Money, Livingston)


Church Signed Accounts - Click relevant links

Year ending 31st December 2023
Year ending 31st December 2022
Year ending 31st December 2021

Year Ending 31st December 2020
Year Ending 31st December 2019




Alternatively to donate online ....

  Donate with JustGiving.


        EasyFundraising  -



We can collect funds for the church while you are spending online though Easyfundraising who collect a small proportion when you shop.
 Click here to  join. https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/kirkofcalder/
It all happens automatically in the background and the retailers donate back part of your online spend and help raise funds for the church.


As at 10th July 2023
We have raised from Easy Fundraising (since starting in September 2014)




Amazon do not participate in the Easyfundraising scheme, and they used to have their own fundraising scheme where
Amazon donated part of your online spend to Kirk of Calder, however from February 2023 they have discontinued this service.


Like every other charity our income dropped during the COVID-19 pandemic, but we still had almost all the same overheads.
*If you could spare something to support us further see Donations below and - THANK YOU


To make a donation  to Kirk of Calder

By Cheque - Please make your cheque payable to Kirk of Calder and send to
Kirk of Calder, Main St., Mid Calder,  West Lothian, EH53 0AN

For BACS payments  - Account Name: “KIRK OF CALDER GENERAL AC” Account No.: 10047047 Sort Code: 82-66-22 (Virgin Money, Livingston)

By standing order see forms below or
Standing Order Form (editable Word doc)
Standing order form (printable pdf)

If UK taxpayer (all situations) please also complete
Gift Aid Form  (printable pdf) 
...and we can reclaim the tax

 e-mail forms to



Kirk of Calder Parish (Church of Scotland) is registered Scottish Charity No SCO13461

Zoom Web Designs  "are pleased to manage and maintain this website and its domain, as a contribution to the Church's work."