Accounts and Donations
Treasurer - Ian Wallace 24
Wellview Lane, Murieston, Livingston, EH54 9HU Tel 01506 400620
Kirk of Calder Giving
Please consider that the Kirk of Calder
relies on regular giving and if you have not already set up a
debit or standing order please do so now.
Most banks allow you to
set up a single payment online then convert it into a regular
monthly payment.
Alternatively you can download a Standing Order form
here .
Please send the completed form direct to your bank.
Very Important if you are a UK taxpayer
(even many pensioners pay tax!) the Kirk gets 25% extra on top of
your payment from the Government
as “Gift Aid” - Click
here to
Download a Gift Aid form. The form should be returned to (Gift Aid
Convener/ Treasurer) by one of the methods below
return them in person at church on Sunday
* return by e-mail to either or
return via you elder (contact details -
Elders Page)
* return by post
to Kirk of Calder, Main St., Mid Calder, West Lothian, EH53
Bank details - Account Name: “KIRK OF
CALDER GENERAL ACCOUNT” Account No.: 10047047 Sort Code: 82-66-22
(Virgin Money, Livingston)